Conditioning Exercises 

Below are videos of exercises for conditioning, refer to personal training, online training, train with me, etc on how to specifically program them into training to meet your fitness goals. 

Prowler Sled (push/pull rope)

Focus on pull is maintaining athletic stance, maintain good posture on pulls. 

Focus on push: keep arms extended and drive with legs, do not hyperextend lower back, or round shoulders. 

Assault Bike

As a warm up: 10 min; 0-45 seconds regular pace, hard pace from 45-min. 

As a finisher: Sprints 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off. 

Plank with one arm extension

Can be done w) out slides, or roll DB with hand. 

row & wall ball circuit 

Seated VMX Rope 

Warm up: 50-200 cal 

Finisher: Pull hard 3 sec on/off

Tabata style 


Plank Variations 

Options for different variations of planks. 

RKC Plank works best (squeeze/flex body) 


DB Farmers walk w) shrug

Can also be done with T-Bar, which you can load more weight. Or done weight OH. 

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Tank Push 

VMX Rope Pull 

Maintain athletic stance while pulling. Adjust difficulty settings depending on if being used for warm-up, finisher, etc. 


Mountain CLimbers w) slides

Can also be done without slides, or with feet raised and elevated against wall. 


Slam Ball Complex

Can also do on leg/circuit day

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Tank Pull w) TRX strap